Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Windy City

So Melisa already found a job, she will be a nanny 3 days a week in Wheaton, IL about 15 minutes away! It doesn't take long for Melisa to win over a family with children, anyone would be lucky to have her as their nanny!
My job is going well, a lot different than my job in Arizona! I am really enjoying the people and the area is just beautiful right now. We are in the middle of the fall colors and wow, this is the part that I missed most in the midwest.

We sure are looking forward to enjoying the big city, I have already been downtown for work, but plan on going down there over a weekend soon so Melisa can do some shopping, if anyone out there wants to do some shopping you are more than welcome to come and stay at our house! Hope all is well!

1 comment:

Coila said...

Shaun, your comments always make me feel better. Even when I wasn't feeling bad to begin with! :) Thanks.

I wanted to be a nanny for a while there. It seems like such a romantic job, but I'm sure it's actually not an easy one. I'm sure Melisa is much more qualified than I was, too! Congrats on finding work so quickly, Melis!

Glad you guys are enjoying your time there! I bet the fall is just beautiful.