Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I don't usually like to get political on this blog, but I have to say I am so disappointed in our government....This so called plan to stimulate the economy is now expensive enough to pay off 90% of the United States mortgages!!!! Is it just me or is this CRAZY!!!! Article, read this and see where some of this money is going....
I am not trying to pick one side or the other, especially since there are democrats and republicans who are voting for it and against it. I am just sick at the amount waste we are putting into this bill! I sure hope this is not going to be the "change" we will see over the next 4 years....

1 comment:

Jen said...

hey, i don't mind you getting political! I like it in fact. I like to stir things up.

See you guys real soon! Happy moving.